Class website

Sunday, August 26, 2018


Early Release Day Wednesday

If you have not turned in signed syllabus or passed expectations test with a 100, you are not allowed to go out of the classroom to record.

This week we are wrapping up project 2 videos.  These projects are due on Thursday of this week.  

We will watch, critique and select best projects for possible inclusion into the next Friday show.

Also on Friday, we will learn about Copyright.

Sunday, August 19, 2018


Here is a look at the week ahead:
Monday - Brainstorm & Script projects - Turn in idea form & submit script through Schoology
Tuesday - Guest Speaker Full Sail University
Wednesday - Finish Scripting/Begin recording
Friday - Continue recording and editing project due 8/30


               Be on time & prepared.  If you arrive 11 minutes after the bell, you will receive a referral for skipping as per school policy. 
             Raise your hand to speak or ask questions.
           Cell phones can only be used for class instruction and with teacher permission. You are not allowed to use a cellphone in class to text a friend, post anything on social media, watch a movie, or play games online.   (Cell phones can be used under teacher direction for class games, taking quizzes, or tests online, or using them to videotape a project.  If not being used for any of these, your phone should not be out or it will be confiscated and you will receive a referral for insubordination. 
         Treat others as you would want to be treated. No foul language or cursing will be tolerated in class.   
             Offensive language is grounds for an immediate referral.
           Class project time is not free time.  You must spend class time given working on your project or if you are done, assist a classmate with their project, or plan for your next project.   Do not use class computers to play games online or watch movies, if found doing these non-approved activities on school computers, this is grounds for a referral for insubordination. (Remember, you are graded on participation/engagement, so if you’re not working, your grade will reflect it.)
         Going out to record video for a project is a privilege, if a teacher or administrator reports you were a disruption or you were horsing around while out working on a project, your group will lose the privilege to shoot the project and this could result in a failing grade for the project.  Groups must stay together when recording.
          Teachers have been advised not to release students to another student for any reason. That includes Video Production Students. Use the kids in our class to act in your videos.  If doing a news piece where you need to conduct interviews, coordinate ahead of time with teachers you know to get permission to interview their students.  Do not take the students any further than outside that teacher’s classroom door.
         No food, drinks, candy, or gum in edit bays, control room and studio.  Violating this class rule is grounds for a referral for insubordination.
         Students shall respect and care for all equipment they are using for the day, and report any missing or
            damaged equipment immediately. Students must treat the equipment with care.  Video cameras, microphones,
            tripods, and computers are expensive and fragile.  If you treat the equipment  inappropriately or drop or
            break equipment, you can be held liable for the replacement costs of such equipment.
        All videos created must adhere to Pebblebrook High School guidelines. The subject matter,
             music, and video shots in all projects must be school appropriate content.   Because you are in a school,
             your videos must be rated G.   Inappropriate language, gestures or visuals, sexually suggestive material, whether
             blatant or insinuated, or violence in my videos could result in failing the project or the class.
         No cameras should ever be taken in to school bathrooms/locker rooms to shoot video for projects.  If there are
             any questions as to whether a topic or location you are choosing for a project is school appropriate, it must be
             approved by the teacher or administration.  
    Before leaving the room at the end of the class, all equipment must be neatly put away where it belongs in the
             equipment locker.  Students must clean up all areas around them.  Do not leave any trash on the floors, in the  
             classroom or in the edit bays. If you do not put away equipment properly, or trash your work space, you will lose
             the privilege to shoot videos outside the classroom and could end up failing the project.

*Subject matter in my videos and music included in my videos must be school appropriate, or I may fail the project.

*No cameras are ever allowed in bathrooms or locker rooms. 

*All students in class must follow school dress code and demonstrate professional demeanor.  No on air talent or interviews shall be wearing dew rags, off the shoulder shirts, spaghetti straps, jeans with holes, or shirts with offensive language or drug paraphernalia on them. If dress code is not met by anyone on camera, points will be taken off for inappropriate content in a video.

*Students must stick to certain areas of campus approved by teacher when recording.  No students are allowed off campus throughout the school day when recording a video project.

*I understand I am not allowed to have any food in the edit bays, control room, or studio, or near any computer or camera equipment.  I must pick up around me before leaving for the day.  I must put all gear away properly.

*I understand I am only allowed out of the classroom to record projects.  If I don’t use my time wisely, I will lose the privilege to record video outside the classroom. 

*I will always put back equipment neatly in its assigned place in the equipment room and clean up the areas I worked in. 

*I understand I need to do my best to create a quality video, but ultimately, it is up to the teacher’s discretion to decide which videos to air on our school show.  Being on the school show is a privilege, not a right. 

*Students with behavior referrals may not be allowed to participate in special class activities, guest presentations, or trips.   (Be on your best behavior always and this won’t be a problem.)

*If I break, lose, or steal classroom production equipment, I will be held liable for it.