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Sunday, November 26, 2017

11/27 - 12/1

Welcome back!  Only about 3 1/2 weeks before the end of the semester.  Please come see me if your grade is a 69 or below.  You can always turn in missing assignments, but everything should be made up or turned in by 12/8.  

We will have a test on the terms below on Thursday, 12/7.  Please start studying the terms now.  The vocab list with images is posted on Schoology.  Some of these you may already be familiar with.


INSTRUMENT- Term used in the industry which means light.  The device into which a lamp is installed to provide light to the set.

LAMP – The part of the instrument that glows when plugged in to power.  Also known by consumers as light bulb. 


·             HARD LIGHT- Type of light used in a studio that creates sharp, distinct shadows.
·             SOFT LIGHT – Type of light used in a studio that creates indistinct shadows with no definitive line between areas of light and dark. 

·             SPOTLIGHT- This is a type of hard light that creates a circle of light in various diameters.
·             FRESNEL- A hard light instrument that is lightweight and easily focused.
·             FLOOD LIGHT- A soft light that provides general lighting in a large area.
·             SCOOP – A common type of flood light that produces a great deal of light.

·        BARNDOORS-Moveable black metal flaps attached to a lighting instrument to direct the light.
LIGHT HIT- When a shiny object in a shot gets a white spot or star-like reflection when the lights on set hit it. 
FLOURESCENT LAMP – Type of light that works when electricity excites a gas in the lamp causing the coating inside the lamp to glow with a soft, even light.  They are less expensive, longer lasting and don’t get as hot. 
INCANDESCENT LAMP- Type of lamp that uses a filament inside to glow and project light.  These can get very hot.  Should not be touched with bare hands as the oils in your hands can cause it to shatter when you light it.
LIGHTING CAN BE PLACED ON floor stands, clamp, or a grid and pipe system from the ceiling.
KELVIN COLOR TEMPERATURE SCALE – Measures color temperature in degrees Kelvin.  When talking about light, white is created when all colors of light are combined, while black is the absence of all colors.  The temperature of white light is 3200 Kelvin.
GEL- A heat resistant, thick sheet of plastic placed in front of a lighting instrument to turn whitle light into colored light.
LIGHT INTENSITY – can be controlled by:
·             simply moving the lighting further away from your subject
·             by replacing the lamp with one that has a lower wattage
·             using diffusion material which is a translucent material that is placed in front of a lighting instrument to reduce the intensity without affecting the color temperature.
·             using a scrim, which is a wire mesh woven material in front of the light to reduce the intensity
·             by bouncing the light off a wall or with a reflector
·             using a dimmer
THREE POINT LIGHTING CONSISTS OF – key light, fill light and back light.
KEY LIGHT- Provides the main source of illumination on the person or object in a shot
FILL LIGHT- A lighting instrument that is placed opposite the key light and above the talent to provide lighting on the other side of the talent’s face or object in the shot.
BACK LIGHT-Placed behind the talent or object in a shot to separate the talent/object from the background. 
BACKGROUND LIGHT-Instrument pointed at the background of a set.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

11/6 - 11/10

We will continue with the EOPA/Final Review this week.  We will have a test over different kinds of microphones on Thursday of this week.  Our projects are due this Friday!

Level III's:   Feel free to use this Quizlet to help you review some of the material for the End of Pathway.

Click here for the Microphone Study Guide