Class website

Monday, August 17, 2020

 August 18th, 2020

  Bitmoji Image

Are you ready for day 2?  I am!

Login to CTLS and look for today's Live Session.

We are going to go over class expectations, goals for the semester and even analyze shots in a scene!  You will never watch a TV or Film the same way again... 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Welcome back to the 2020 - 2021 School year!

 Week of August 17, 2020

Bitmoji Image

Welcome Back to school!  

 I am Mrs. Theriault and I teach Audio-Video Technology and Film II, 

 Audio-Video Technology and Film III and Broadcast Video Applications.  We will be using CTLS 

Learn for our digital classroom this semester.  This tool will allow us to host live class sessions as well 

as do work on your own.  I am looking forward to getting to know you and to seeing what creative 

videos you will produce this year.  I have included a video to show you how to navigate CTLS.  If you

 are having trouble logging in to CTLS, go ahead and explore my virtual classroom.  I have provided a 

link below. There are numerous helpful links throughout the room, so check it out.

Here's today's to-do list:

What is CTLS?  Watch the video posted below showing you how to navigate CTLS.

(Home, Digital Sessions, Resources, Assessments)


Getting to know you activity - If you could be any Superhero, which one would you be?  Click here to go to the padlet to submit your response.


Check out the link to our Virtual Classroom below.  

Then take the Virtual Tour of the Studio, Classroom, and Editing Lab.


In Virtual Classroom:

1.   Watch my Welcome video.  Just click on the link on my laptop to view.

2.   Click on the cell phone to view a list of apps you can use to shoot and edit video on a smartphone.

3.   Click on the various Apps on the computer in the virtual classroom that you can use to edit on a home computer.  What app will you use?

 4.   Once you have checked out all the links and audio clips, go to the Exit Ticket link and complete the form.

Below is the link to my virtual classroom:

What is CTLS?

Sunday, May 10, 2020

5/11 - 5/15

AVTF II, AVTF III & Broadcast Video Applications

Zoom Meeting Monday 5/11 at 11:30 a.m. - Go to Schoology for meeting information.

If you are a Senior and want to make up any work from the last couple of weeks, all your work must be submitted by Monday 5/11 at 3:30 PM since all teachers need to have Senior grades finalized by Tuesday 5/12.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions!

This week is Make-up week.  If you missed any written assignments over the last few weeks, this is your week to make them up.  I am not giving new assignments, in order to give students the opportunity to make up missing written assignments.  I will not take any video assignments this week, since we are not working on a show this week.  I will spend this week working on updating grades in the grade book.  All make up work must be submitted by Thursday 5/14 of this week!

If you have an interest in working as a member of the Morning Show Crew next school year, please reach out to me to let me know.

 Let me if you have any questions!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

5/4 - 5/8

We have a great show lined up for this week, but can't do it without your participation! This week our show will be dedicated to our Seniors, but it is also Teacher Appreciation Week, and this Sunday is Mother's Day.  All of these subjects will be incorporated into the show, with your help of course!
All you have to do is look at the assignments posted for Monday through Wednesday of this week.  Record up to 30 second videos talking about the various subjects I have added as assignments on the calendar.  If you are not a Senior, do not record a message for the Senior Memories video, only submit to the other video assignments for this week.  
Yes.  If you submit a video, it is for a grade, and can help you boost your grade, so get to it!
Join us on Monday and Wednesday's Show Zoom Meetings to discuss the show... Look for link to Zoom in Schoology.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

4/27 - 5/1


Log in to your class Schoology account to view assignments for the week!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

4/20 - 4/24


Please log in to Schoology to view this week's assignments and information about our Monday meeting for this week's show.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

04/13 - 04/16

Welcome back students!  Hope everyone had a relaxing Spring Break, and that you are ready to finish the school year strong!

The District has mandated digital learning will take place Monday - Thursday.  While you are being given the option to accept your grade as of March 13th (we are waiting for more details on how this will be handled as students will likely have to sign off on this request), I encourage you to continue on through the entirety of the semester.  By completing assignments through digital learning, you can only improve your grade, and as a result boost your GPA!

Our goal for our Video Production classes over the next few weeks is to continue producing content for Brooksquad TV's At Home Edition, giving our students and staff a way to connect to their Pebblebrook community even though we are apart.

In the few weeks of digital learning before Spring Break, I noticed issues with Schoology between the hours of 10 a.m. -1:00 p.m. That is why I am now also posting assignments and information in Office 365's Teams Application.  That will allow you the student to access assignment information when Schoology is down.  All you have to do is log in to your Student Vue and look for the tab that says "Account Login Information" to verify what your Office 365 email address is, then login to Office 365 and look for the Teams App.  If you are in AVTF II, you will find a Team for that class, and if you are in the class that combines AVTF III and Broadcast Video Applications, you will find another Team for that class.  You can also text me through the Teams Application.

Class assignments and information will be posted in both Teams and Schoology, so that if Schoology is down, you can still access the information in Teams.  I will also be posting url information for our virtual class meetings through both applications, so you don't miss any of our creative team meetings.  Login to Teams or Schoology to view this week's assignments and creative meeting code for Monday!  Our next creative meeting is Monday 4/13 at 11:30 a.m.

Sunday, March 29, 2020


Login to Schoology for your daily Assignments & Video Project of the week.

AVTF III & Broadcast Video Application Students
Login to Schoology for your daily Assignments & Video Project of the week.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

3/23 - 3/27


Students should log in to Schoology for the daily Pixar in a box assignment.
Students will also be working on a PSA this week.  This can be shot on their phones and either edited on their phones or a computer.  Instructions are provided in Schoology. 

Students should log in to Schoology to view Assignment for the day. 
Students will be reading from a chapter about Audio and Video Connectors & Answer Questions Provided.

At a time when everyone is separated, people are looking for ways to still connect with the people they know.  They are also trying to find ways to keep some type of normal in their life.  The Friday show we aired last week had the most views we have ever had over a 3 day period.  That is because our Pebblebrook School Community is also craving that connection to a sense of normalcy and we are going to give them what they want.  
Students will also be working on Video Project 5.
Watch Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show At Home Edition for Inspiration:    You are also to be working on a video project to include in the Extended Edition show.  Submit your video by Wednesday.  Try to keep it simple! *You can do a cooking tutorial, or some other kind of tutorial. - Many folks are cooking at home or picking up a craft to do at home.*Shoot a psa about social distancing. :30 seconds to 1 minute long*Shoot a 1-2 minute short movie *Shoot a movie or tv show review to watch while socially isolating.    *Do a funny tik tok about life under quarantine. 

Shoot your video on your phone, then edit your video:

Editing Options Include:

Download Adobe Rush on phone or computer 

Login to creative cloud on a computer with your Cobb County Schools Office 365 email address .

Go to: 

Sunday, March 15, 2020


  • During digital learning days, CTAE assigned office hours are 8-9 a.m.
  • Instructional hours for all teachers are 10:30 - 12:00
  • All assignments are posted on Schoology and must be submitted through Schoology.
  • All students who were present Thursday and Friday before the closing confirmed they were able to access Schoology.  
  • If you were not present and are not able to access Schoology, email me at 

As we prepare to write our own short films, we will use Pixar and Khan Academy's website to help us learn the art of storytelling.  Access Schoology for links to page, vocabulary, and what assignments are due every day.


We are preparing for our End of Pathway.  This week we will read a chapter on Microphones and Audio.  Please check Schoology for reading pages provided and questions to answer.  Part 1 of the reading and Q&A is due Monday, Part 2 is of the reading and Q&A is due Tuesday.  The questions you are answering will help you study for the Microphones and Audio test you will take online on Thursday.

You also have a vlog submission on Tuesday and Wednesday.  I am providing you a prompt question that you can answer by videotaping yourself on your phone answering it, then submit it through Schoology.

I will also be providing you with a script for a Friday show consisting of content created by students before the school closure.  I need you to record the intros provided, so I can put together a show with your intros.

Stay healthy!

Sunday, March 8, 2020

WEEK OF 3/9-3/13


  • Students will finish their Second Special Effects Project and we will watch these projects in class.
  • We will go over vocabulary this week relating to camera angles and shots & have a test on Thursday.
  • We will also begin working on our class short film by pitching ideas and selecting one idea per class, then script the movie.


  • Students will finish working on their 4th video project for our upcoming Friday show.
  • Projects are due Thursday of this week, so we can watch and critique them on Friday.

  • Students will create weather segments for daily show.
  • Students will work on script and graphics for daily show.
  • Students are also working special video projects for the school.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Week of 3/2-3/6

Students will begin their second set of special effects project.  Monday through Thursday they will take on a new effect like masking, editing like Zach King, Running fast like the Flash and Teleportation.  The Special effects project 2 with all four effects is due this Friday.

Students also have a reading assignment and essay based on the reading. 

All assignments are to be turned in through Schoology.

We are beginning our 4th video projects on Monday.  That means students should be in the pre-production phase, brainstorming and scripting.  Once scripts are done, they may begin recording.  The projects we start this week are due on March 12th. 

We are reviewing vocab terms on types of video formats and jobs in the industry, and will have a test on Thursday of this week.

Students will continue to produce weather segments for the morning show, write scripts, and create graphics.

Students are also working on various special video projects.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

WEEK OF 2/24-2/28

Welcome back!  Hope you are refreshed and ready to work!

We are working on some basic special effects this week.
We are learning editing terms and taking a test on the terms on Thursday.

Students are finishing their 3rd Video Projects

Students are working on shooting weather segments, scripting the daily show and creating graphics, as well as various special video projects.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Week of 2/10-2/14

AVTF II - Students should have completed their news story projects.  This week they will work on an individual project relating to masking video.  When done students should have a better understanding on how to use masking in editing.

AVTF III - Students are beginning to work on their 3rd video projects for the semester.  They will begin brainstorming and scripts for these projects are due on Tuesday of this week.  Students will also have a test on Thursday of this week on vocabulary relating to Camera Angles and Movements.

BROADCAST VIDEO APPLICATIONS -   Students are working on recording weather segments for our daily show, creating graphics for the show, & writing scripts.  Some are also working on special video projects.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

WEEK OF 2/3 - 2/7

AVTFII - Students will continue working on News Stories.

AVTF III - We will be reviewing the different types of scripts this week.  Our 2nd projects of the semester are due on Thursday of this week.  These are for our Valentine's Day Show on 2/14.

BVAPP - Students will continue with weather segment creation and the creation of various special projects.

Sunday, January 26, 2020


Students will be learning about Broadcast Journalism and how to produce a news story.

Students will begin new video projects for our Valentine's day show.

Students will continue working on WX segments, scripting daily shows and other special projects.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

1/21 - 1/24

Short week, but lots to do!

You will begin working on your First Editing Project.  We discussed in class and instructions are on Schoology.  We will also have a test on workplace characteristics for employees.

Students continue to work on their first projects which are due this Thursday.

Broadcast Video Applications_
Students will continue to shoot weather segments, write scripts for the shows and will help in the selection of content for Friday shows.

Sunday, January 12, 2020


Students should have turned in their class expectations and photo consent form last Friday.  If you did not do this please get this signed form to me by no later than Wednesday of this week.  Class Syllabus is posted in Schoology and can be viewed there.

We will finish our projects on Adobe Spark on Wednesday of this week and watch them. 
We will have a test on class expectations based on the Syllabus this Thursday.

Students should have turned in their class expectations and photo consent form last Friday.  If you did not do this, please get this signed form to me by no later than Wednesday of this week.  Class Syllabus is posted in Schoology and can be viewed there.

We will have our class expectations test based on the Syllabus on Wednesday. 
Students will begin recording their first projects.

Students should have turned in their class expectations and photo consent form last Friday.  If you did not do this, please get this signed form to me by no later than Wednesday of this week.  Class Syllabus is posted in Schoology and can be viewed there.

We will have our class expectations test based on the Syllabus on Wednesday. 
Students are already in production mode.  They are recording weather segments, creating graphics & scripts for our daily show.

Sunday, January 5, 2020


Welcome to the Spring 2020 Semester
Audio Video Technology & Film II
Audio Video Technology & Film III
Broadcast Video Applications