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Sunday, December 15, 2019


Students are wrapping up their after effects projects.
Students will receive a semester final review sheet to work on in class.
We will also spend time reviewing in class.

AVTF III & Broadcast Video Applications
Students are wrapping up working on their reels.
Students will receive a semester final review sheet to work on in class
We will also spend time in class reviewing.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

12/9- 12/13

Hard to believe our semester is coming to an end! Make sure you are submitting your assignments so you can finish strong!

AVTF II - Students are creating some basic animation projects in after effects.

AVTF III & Broadcast Video Applications- Students will work on demo reels highlighting their best work from this semester. 

Sunday, December 1, 2019


Welcome Back!

Level II AVTF:
Students will finish editing their short films this week.
Students will begin After Effects project.

Level III & Broadcast Video Application Students
Students will finish working on videos for our final show of the semester.

Sunday, November 17, 2019


We will wrap up editing our short movies this week.
We will also take a quiz on film vocabulary.

The NOCTI end of Pathway test is Tuesday 11/19.
Be sure to use the resources provided in Schoology to study.
We will begin a new project this week.

Broadcast Video Applications
The Skills USA end of Pathway test is Tuesday 11/19.
Be sure to use the resources provided in Schoology to study.
We will begin a new project this week.

Sunday, November 10, 2019


AVTF II - Students will wrap up their short movie shoots Monday and will spend the rest of the week editing the short movies and adding music and sound effects.

AVTF III & Broadcast Video Application Students -
We will continue reviewing in class for the End of Pathway which will be next week. 
We are also working on Project 6, which will be due Thursday of this week.  11/15

Saturday, November 2, 2019


Students will wrap up their film shoots for their class short movie.
We will then work on editing the short film.

We will begin reviewing for the End of Pathway test.
We will also begin working on Project 6.
We will have a test on lighting terms.  Vocab for the test can be found on Schoology along with a Kahoot to help you study. 

Students will also review for the End of Pathway.
Studens will work on weather segment production and scripts for our daily show.
We will have a test on lighting terms.  Vocab for the test can be found on Schoology along with a Kahoot to help you study. 

Sunday, October 27, 2019

    10/28 - 11/1


We will be recording our short movies this week.  Everyone must be ready to participate.

AVTF III & Broadcast Video Applications

We are working on project 5 this week.  You should have come up with your idea, submitted it, and scripted last week, so you could be recording this week.  Projects are due Thursday.

We will also have a test on Thursday on Microphones.  Use the vocab and Kahoot link provided in Schoology to help you study.  

Sunday, October 20, 2019

WEEK OF 10/21-10/25

We are continuing to write our class short film. Once the film is scripted, we will cast our actors/actresses and other positions for the crew.  We will come up with our shot lists for the movie and a production schedule.

AVTF III /Broadcast Video Applications 
Students are wrapping up project 4 this week and turning it in.
We will have a mini lesson on masking.  Students will then have to record video to mask.
We will then begin project 5 brainstorming and scripting.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

10/14 - 10/18

Students are wrapping up the Special Effects 2 Projects.  We will watch and critique.
We will begin our unit on creating a short film.  We will learn about writing the pitch and the movie.   
We are watching projects that were turned in last week and beginning Project 4 this week. 

Period 3 students are working on weather production, daily show script and graphics. 

Sunday, October 6, 2019


Students will be wrapping up the various special effects we have been working on this week and will submit their special effects project 2 through Schoology by Wednesday.

We will then begin planning a short film.

Students are working on their 3rd video projects.  These projects are due Thursday 10/10.
Broadcast Video Application Students in 1st block will continue working this week in the studio producing daily weather segment for the next day.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


We are learning more special effects techniques this week and vocabulary associated with editing.
We will have a test on Friday on Editing Terms vocab.  

Welcome back from Fall Break!  
Our week is shaping up to be a busy one!
We will have a vocab test on Friday on the Camera Angles and Shots Vocab.  You can find it attached or under the calendar reminder on Schoology.
We are starting project 3 this week.  The content you are now creating will be for our show on 10/18.  That will likely be our Halloween show, so you can work on Halloween themed videos.  Please submit your ideas by the end of class on Monday 9/30.  When you have submitted your idea, you may begin scripting.  Scripts will be due on Tuesday 10/1.  If you get your script done early, you may begin recording.  

Sunday, September 15, 2019

9/13 - 9/20

You can find it on Schoology.  It is homework or if you have free time after working on our class projects. 

  This week, students will be working on 3 different kinds of special effects.  They will work in groups no larger 
  than 4 to create: 

  1. Reverse clip effect. 
  1. Cloning 
  2. Chromakey/Greenscreen

  3. They have until Thursday to complete the project including the 3 special effects specified.

Students have projects due this Thursday.
BVA students are working on content for the daily show.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

9/19 - 9/13

Students are finishing the news stories they have been working on. 
When completed we will watch stories and decide which ones we can use for an upcoming show.

Individual Project for this week - Due Thursday
We will work on creating masked titles in Premiere Pro that allow us to see video through the title.

We will learn about different kinds of scripts and take a quiz on this.

Students will begin working on their second video project of the semester.
They must remember all content must be appropriate for our school show and must represent our school well.
Their project idea is due Monday 9/9.
Their script is due Tuesday 9/10.

We will learn about different kinds of scripts and take a quiz on this.

Students will be working on creating the morning show weather segment, script, & graphics.
They will also work on editing content for the Friday show.

When they are done with their production duties, they may assist their Level III counterparts with projects.

Monday, September 2, 2019



Students are working on creating news stories.  We discussed story ideas, angles to stories, procedures, etc...  Students have already started conducting interviews and will begin editing projects to turn in by Thursday of this week.

We will have a quiz on Friday on our procedures for saving video clips for our projects and how to log on to Premiere Pro.


Students began working on their team projects last week.  They must finish recording on Tuesday, in order to have time to edit and submit by the end of Class on Thursday of this week. 

We will have a quiz on Friday on our procedures for saving video clips for our projects and how to log on to Premiere Pro.

Broadcast Video Application Students

Period 1 students will work on morning show preparations this week.  Creating scripts, graphics, recording weather, etc...

Period 3 students will work on projects with their Level III counterparts.

We will have a quiz on Friday on our procedures for saving video clips for our projects and how to log on to Premiere Pro.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

8/26 - 8/30

Level II students will begin working on the news story ideas discussed.
Students must fill out online form with idea, story focus and list of questions.
Students will spend time in class familiarizing themselves with classroom equipment.
Students will begin recording their stories.

Level III Students:
Must submit their first project idea through Schoology.
Students will then begin scripting.
Students will re-familiarize themselves with classroom camera equipment.
Students will then begin recording first videos.

Broadcast Video Production Application Students.
This week:  P1 BVPA students will work on Live morning show preps for the next day.  Including script writing, Weather segment production and graphics.

P3 BVPA students will work with Level III students in project creation.  They will be asked to step in where needed for the Live production preparations. 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

8/19 - 8/23

Students had a test on Wednesday of last week.  The test was supposed to have been done in class independently.  Anyone who did not take the Class Expectations test last week, must take it by Wednesday of this week.  

We are moving ahead with terms related to Personal Characteristics we should have in the workplace.  We will have a test on these terms this Friday 8/23.  

We will watch the My Story projects this wee, as well as the first editing project which was meant to familiarize students with our editing software.  

Sunday, August 11, 2019

August 12-16

Class Expectations Test Wednesday 8/14 - Level II, III, Broadcast Video Applications

Level II & III Students:  Students will begin work on First Editing Project on Monday.  Step by Step instructions are provided in Schoology along with raw video and audio files to edit.

Level IV:  Work daily on content for Live Production. This includes:
Creating Weather Graphic
Recording Weather Segment
Writing show for the next day
Creating graphics for the show
Putting microphones away properly in studio
Turning lights on stands off in studio

Sunday, August 4, 2019

August 4 - August 9

Welcome to the 2019-2020 School Year!
Students remember to create your Schoology Account.
Once you have created your account, you will be able to see the details on your first project which you will create on Adobe Spark and is due this Friday.
You will have some time to work on it in class, but remember you can also work on it at home. 
I will be handing out the Syllabus this week, and will need to have it returned signed by next week.  We will discuss class expectations.  Be sure to pay attention.  We will have a test on expectations next week.

Sunday, May 5, 2019


Hard to believe, but we are quickly approaching the end of the school year.  This is Seniors last full week of school.  Finals for Seniors are Monday 5/13  (3rd & 4th blocks) & Tuesday 5/14 (1st & 2nd blocks)

This week students must turn in their resumes they've been working on and submit them through Schoology on Monday 5/6.  Students will then begin working on their video reels.  Senior Video reels are due on Friday 5/10.  Video reels for students who are not Seniors are due by 5/16. 

Students will receive their Semester Final Review sheets this week, so they can start filling it out to prepare for their Final. 


  1. Know the difference between lossy and lossless compression.

  1. Know what type of situation it is good to use a wide angle, telephoto, or macro lens for.

  1. What happens to depth of field the closer or further you are from a subject.

  1. What is headroom?

  1. What is leadroom?

  1. What is a dissolve?

  1. What is a jump cut?

  1. What is a wipe?

  1. What is a fade?

    10.What is time code?

    11.What is included in pre-production?

    12.What is included in post production?

    13.What are the phases of a production?

    14.What is omnidirectional microphone mean?

    15.What does a unidirectional microphone mean?

    16.Know camera movements:





17.            Know types of microphones and what to use them for – Shotgun mic, Hand-held mic, Wireless mic, Lavalier mic

18.            Understand relationship between f-stop and how it affects what is in focus in the background.

19.             Understand types of TV formats – Magazine, Drama, Lecture/Demonstration, Panel Discussion:

20.            Understand Aspect Ratio:

21.            What is 3 point lighting:

22.            What is 180 degree rule:

23.            What is the Rule of Thirds:

24.            What is white balance?

25.            Know the different types of shots and be able to identify them.

Close up
Medium Shot
Wide Shot
Over the Shoulder Shot
Extreme Close up
Bust Shot
Long Shot

26.            Know various jobs in TV.  Producer, Station Manager, Talent, Video Tape Operator, Technical Director, Production Assistant, CG Operator

27.            What is a Character Generator?

28.            What is Kelvin?