Project 3 is due this Friday 9/22. Students should have already started on this project last week and must complete it and turn in by 9/22.
We will have a test on the Camera shots, angles & movements on Thursday 9/21. This vocabulary was posted on Schoology on 9/4 and a Homework assignment based on the terms was due on 9/15.
Here are the terms to study for the test on Thursday 9/21:
Extreme close-up (ECU/XCU)- This shot gets right in and shows extreme detail.
Extreme Wide shot (EWS)- The view is so far from the subject that he
isn't even visible. Often used as an establishing shot.
Close-up (CU) - A certain feature or part of the subject takes up
the whole frame.
Medium close-up (MCU)- Half way between a MS and a CU.
Medium or Mid Shot (MS)- Shows some part of the subject in more detail
while still giving an impression of the whole subject.
Medium Long Shot (MLS)-Also
known as a three-quarters shot. Frames
the whole subject from the knees up. An intermediate shot between the long shot
and the medium shot.
Long Shot (LS)- Also known as a full shot or Wide shot - The
subject takes up the full frame, or at least as much as comfortably possible.
Over-the-shoulder shot (OSS)-
Looking from behind a person at the subject.
Point of View (POV)- Shows a view from the subject's perspective.
reaction shot,
Establishing Shot- Usually the
first shot of a new
scene designed to show the audience where the action is taking place. It is
usually a very wide shot or
extreme wide shot.
Two shot-A shot of two
people framed like a Mid shot or Medium shot.
High Angle Shot- A cinematic
technique where the camera looks down on the subject from a high angle. High-angle shots can make the subject seem vulnerable or powerless
when applied with the correct mood, setting, and effects.
Low angle shot- A shot from a camera angle positioned low on the vertical axis,
anywhere below the eye line, looking up. Sometimes, it is even directly below
the subject's feet. Psychologically, the effect of the low-angle shot is that it makes the subject look strong and
Cut-in shot- Shows some (other) part of the subject in
Cutaway shot - A shot of something other than the subject.
Dolly- Physically
moving the camera, its tripod, and dolly perpendicularly toward or away from
the set.
Dolly in (DI), Dolly Out (DO),
Depth of Field (DOF)- The
zone between the nearest and furthest points at which the camera can obtain a
sharp focus.
Shallow Depth of Field- When the aperture is
large (ex. f/1.8), the area in front and behind the focus point is very slim
or shallow. That means that objects
right in front and right behind the plane of focus is already going out of
Head room- The
amount of space between the top of the subject's head and the top of the
picture frame.
Lead room- Refers
to space in front of your subject. Leave extra space in the direction your
subject is looking
Nose room- The
space from the tip of a person's nose to the side edge of the frame
Pan – To move only the head
of the tripod with a camera on it side to side to scan the scene horizontally. Pan
left (PL), Pan right (PR),
Pedestal – The pole the head
of a tripod is attached to allowing user to raise or lower a camera. Pedestal up (PedU), Pedestal down (PedD),
Tilt – To move the head of a
tripod with a camera up or down. Tilt up
(TU), Tilt Down (TD),
Truck – The entire camera
moves side to side. Usually the camera
is on a track or a dolly to smoothly move either left or right. Truck
Left (TL), Truck Right (TR),
Rack focus- When
the director shifts the focus from one object to another in the same scene.
Changes attention. Signifies power or significance.
White Balance-The color of
an object is affected by the lighting it is under. In order to get accurate colors, you must
white balance a camera when in different kinds of lighting conditions. By setting the white balance, your camera can
identify the color of pure white and therefore can identify all other colors
Rule of Thirds- A rule used
to compose your images, which divides the screen into thirds horizontally and
vertically, like a tic-tac toe grid. The
most interesting thing in your shot that you want the viewers attention to be
drawn to, should be placed along at least one of the intersecting lines of the