Class website

Friday, February 10, 2017


Students in AV/Film 1 are learning about copyright and copyright laws.  They will start working this week on a project where they have to research a copyright case and create a video presentation about the case chosen.

Students need to work on weekly projects to include in the Friday show.

Friday, February 3, 2017


AV/FILM 1 Will finish working on commercial projects due on Wed. 2/8.  
                   We will review for the test which will be on Thursday 2/9, which will cover the                               different kinds of camera shots, 180 degree rule and the Rule of Thirds..

AV/FILM 2&3 - Business as usual for students in these level classes.  Students must submit their idea for a project through the form on Schoology every Monday.  They should be working on a project for the week.  Every week they should be challenging themselves to work on different types of projects that will improve their video and editing skills.

The best projects are included in the Extended edition of Brooksquad TV on Fridays.