We will take a test on Tuesday on the Advertising Literacy Vocab that was handed out to students last week. If you've lost your paper, here are the terms you need to know: (They can also be found on my website https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxtcnN0aGVyaWF1bHRzdHZwcm9kdWN0aW9uY2xhc3N8Z3g6MzFhNjA2YTYxZDVjODUwMQ
I. Advertising:
Tool used to get people to want to buy something. Created mainly to sell
A. Found On: Television, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines,
Mailers, Billboards, Internet, Movie Theater, Buses, Bus stop benches, etc…
B. Advertisers pay money to television networks or radio and
internet to run their ads. The money paid, helps pay for the cost of programs
on television, radio and online.
C. Advertisements give people information about a product to
help them decide what to buy.
D. Consumer: Someone who buys and uses products and services
E. Federal Trade Commission (FTC): Government agency works
to protect consumers from being hurt by advertising. Requires claims in
advertising be truthful, and evidence based.
F. Target Audience: a group of people who advertisers think
will buy or use the product. Advertisers create ads to persuade the target
audience to do, buy or think something. They also put their ads on the medium
where their target audience is likely to see it.
G. Advertising Techniques:
1. Endorsement:
Featuring someone like a celebrity saying how the product worked for them.
Example - When a start talks about his or her favorite product
2. Association:
Using images like a cartoon character or the American flag in the hope you will
transfer your good feelings about the image to the product. Example-a make-up
ad uses a beautiful model
3. Sense Appeal:
Using images and sounds to appeal to your senses – sight, touch, taste, etc…
Example – a fast food ad shows a close up of a burger
4. Call to action:
Tells you what to do. “Buy today” or “Call now”. Example – an ad asks you to
call or go online to find out more
5. Hype: Using
words like amazing and incredible make products seem really exciting. Example -
An ad for an exercise product promises “amazing results”
6. Repetition:
Repeating a message or idea so you remember it. Example – An announcer repeats
a product slogan
7. Claim:
Informing you about how the product works or helps you.
8. Humor: Using
ads that make you laugh can get your attention and be memorable.
9. Fear: Using a
product to solve something you worry about like body odor.
10. Sales &
Price: Showing or announcing a discounted price can make a product more
11. Special
ingredients: Promoting a special ingredient in a product may persuade you
to think the product works better than the rest.
12. Games & Activities:
Making a commercial that is like a game will get you to spend more time getting
to know the product and influencing you to buy it.
13. Must-have:
Suggest you must have the product to be happy, popular or satisfied.
14. Prizes,
sweepstakes, and gifts: Using a chance to win a prize to attract attention
to a product. H.
Questions you should
ask yourself when watching an ad:
a. Who is responsible for the ad? b. What is the ad actually
c. What does the ad want me to do?
d. How much do I know about the product?
e. What do others who use the product think of it? O
f. Does the product fit into my budget?
g. Where else can I find information about the product?
VO: Signifies a voice over in a script
SOT: Signifies sound on tape in a script
VO/SOT: Usually used in News Production.
CG: Signifies title/graphics in a script
SUPER: Superimposition of title usually in lower
third of the screen.
SFX: Signifies special effects which could be
audio or video effects in a script.
ANNCR: Announcer
LS/WS: Long Shot or Wide Shot
CU: Close Up
XCU: Extreme
Close Up
MS: Medium Shot
OTS: Over the
Shoulder Shot
TRT: Total running time
WX: Stands for weather in a news script.
Soundbyte: The audio track portion of radio or TV
interview. These are usually no longer
than 15 seconds.
B-roll: Supplementary or alternative shots interwoven
in video editing with main shots.
Raw footage: Original unedited video footage captured
while shooting video.
We will also begin to work on Public Service Announcements this week.